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Listen Up! (Respect our Rights)
Anti-Bullying Week 2023 will take place from Monday 13 – Friday 17 November with the theme of ‘Listen Up! (Respect our Rights)’ – because bullying is never acceptable.
Whether you’re an educator, parent/carer or a youth organisation, we are calling on all adults to ‘Listen Up’ and take practical steps to respect the rights of children and young people across Scotland.
We are thrilled to update that our two-year campaign has been co-designed with young people from respectme’s Youth Action Group. Our young ambassadors want every child and young person to be heard and taken seriously when bullying is reported, and for children’s rights to be at the heart of all effective responses to bullying.
Our 2023 campaign hub features everything you need to know about the theme of our new campaign, including our latest education resources, campaign pledge, activities inspired by young people’s ideas, bunting template, social media assets, and information for parents and carers.
For #AntiBullyingWeek we are asking schools, youth groups and sports clubs to pledge support for our ‘5 Step Action Plan’ as put forward by our Youth Action Group, and to support our #ImListening social media campaign.
Together let’s #ListenUp for #AntiBullyingWeek and stand up for the rights of children and young people across Scotland to help stop bullying in its tracks.
To feature on our NEW Campaign Map email us at: Include your school or organisation name and we’ll add you to the map on the countdown to #AntiBullyingWeek. Get in touch even if you supported the campaign last year.
Sign up here to receive the latest campaign updates, and follow along with the campaign on Twitter @respectme
Our Listen Up! (Respect our Rights) campaign hub is now available HERE! Let’s make this Anti-Bullying Week the biggest yet!
If you're being bullied, it can be difficult to know what to do or where to turn, to make the behaviour stop and to help you to manage your feelings. But you do have options...
Bullying is a mixture of behaviours and impacts; what someone does and the impact that it has on you, which affects your ability to feel safe and in control of yourself.
If you or someone you know is being bullied, this short video explores some of the options you can consider, to help you feel like yourself again.
Whether you’re a parent, carer, teacher, football coach or youth leader, finding out that a child or young person is being bullied, or is involved in bullying, can be daunting. How we react and respond to bullying behaviour is key to reaching a successful outcome for everyone involved.
Find out more