Anti-Bullying Week, 13-17 November 2023

#AntiBullyingWeek #ImListening

Anti-Bullying Week 2023 will take place from Monday 13 – Friday 17 November with the theme of Listen Up! (Respect our Rights) because bullying is never acceptable.

Whether you’re an educator, parent/carer, or youth organisation, we’re calling on all adults to ‘Listen Up’ and take practical steps to respect the rights of children and young people across Scotland for Anti-Bullying Week and across our campaign.

Developed in partnership with respectme’s Youth Action Group

Support this campaign

Show your involvement with Listen Up! (Respect our Rights) by emailing: Include your school/youth group name, or organisation name and we’ll add you to our map on the countdown to #AntiBullyingWeek. Get in touch even if you supported the campaign in 2023 and we’ll add you to the map. Click on the map to find out more. View participants by zooming in and clicking on icons. Our campaign map is constantly being updated.

Campaign manifesto

The impact of bullying can be profound and can have serious short and long term effects on the physical, emotional and mental wellbeing of children and young people. We must be clear that bullying is a violation of children’s rights.

Children need to be protected from bullying behaviour so that they can survive, develop and participate in a fulfilling life. As adults, we all have an important role to play to help protect and fulfil these rights by creating opportunities for young people to participate in decision making on matters that affect them.

From teachers and professionals to parents and carers, we all have a responsibility to consider the needs of children and young people. We are calling on everyone to ‘Listen Up!’ and respect the rights of children and young people by putting children’s rights at the heart of all effective responses to bullying.

Across Scotland, we will be asking children and young people in schools, youth settings and at home, to engage with the campaign theme by taking part in our class-based lessons, through art, drama and dance, and through our new youth-led activities exploring themes of children’s rights within the context of bullying and kindness.

Play your part this #AntiBullyingWeek by taking part in our ‘Listen Up! (Respect our Rights)’ campaign and activities, by encouraging schools and youth settings to make a pledge to our ‘5 Step Action Plan’ and by supporting our #ImListening social media campaign.

Resource hub

2023 resources

We have created some resources that you can use to help highlight Anti-Bullying Week 2023 and across our two-year campaign in your school, community and online.

Learning resources

If you are an educator, we have also created learning resources to help you engage children and young people about the campaign theme.

Activity sheets and templates for children and young people

For parents and carers

Offers parents and carers an introduction to the campaign theme as well as top tips on how to support the campaign from home.


We have created two short information campaign films this year. Our Assembly style film can be used in schools during assembly gatherings ahead of Anti-Bullying Week to challenge pupils to take part in the awareness-week activities in a fun and engaging format.

Listen Up! (Respect our Rights) Assembly film – for use in schools/clubs

‘Get Ready for Anti-Bullying Week’ campaign film for all adults
Assembly film


Celebrating 15 years

2022 marked our 15th year as Scotland’s Anti-Bullying Service. We want to thank all those adults, educators and youth leaders who have helped to improve the lives of children and young people over the years by helping to prevent and respond to bullying. The journey is far from over, there is more to be done to help stop bullying in its tracks.

It’s Never Acceptable

Do you remember our first national awareness-raising campaign? The theme was ‘It’s Never Acceptable’. The poster campaign featured the following enduring message: “You don’t have to play with me, you don’t have to agree with me, or even like me…. But you do have to respect me!”

As well as an awareness-raising tool to launch respectme, the poster campaign aimed to reinforce the message that bullying is never acceptable and should not be seen as a normal part of growing up.

Do you remember our poster campaign? Maybe your school or youth/sports club still use it? Share your memories of the campaign, or of using our past campaign resources by emailing us at We will be sharing some throughout Anti-Bullying Week!

11,867 adults
across Scotland

16 national

Engagement with all 32
of Scotland’s local

1,597 parents
attended training

Over 450,00

‘5 Step Action Plan’ #ImListening

Our #ImListening social media campaign invites educators, schools, youth and sports club settings to pledge to our ‘5 Step Action Plan’.

During our planning stages, young people told us that bullying is a serious issue that has had lasting impacts on their mental and emotional wellbeing. They told us that they want all adults in their lives to take incidences of bullying seriously, and to ensure that these are effectively addressed. They felt strongly that they need adults to champion and uphold their rights to dignity and safety, and to learn and flourish, as stated in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Download the Campaign Pledge card from the Resource Hub and add your name and the name of your school/group/organisation. Support the campaign by pledging to take part in the ‘5 Step Action Plan’ co-designed with the Youth Action Group. Pin the pledge on walls and notice boards for children and young people to see.

Use our hashtags #AntiBullyingWeek #ImListening to share your support across social media networks and use our campaign social media assets to help spread the message online. Find more information about the ‘5 Step Action Plan’ in our Campaign Toolkit.

Our ‘5 Step Action’ plan:

Action 1
Register for respectme’s Anti-Bullying Learning Academy eLearning modules

Action 2
Refresh, review and update current anti-bullying policy.

Action 3
Create a pupil forum or anti-bullying committee to inform
anti-bullying policy and practice.

Action 4
Create simple, safe pathways for reporting bullying that
protect children’s rights.

Action 5
Involve children and young people with ‘Listen Up! (Respect
Our Rights)’ activities and messages for #AntiBullyingWeek 2023

Help spread the word

Join us to help stand up for children’s rights – because bullying is never acceptable. 

One of the most effective ways to spread the word about Anti-Bullying Week 2023 and your involvement with this year’s theme is through social media. Are you taking part in our Anti-Bullying Week activities? Did you register your support to the campaign for updates? Maybe you completed a step from the ‘5-Step Action Plan’ co-designed with our Youth Action Group, or registered for our free Anti-Bullying Learning Academy eLearning? We want to know about it! Share your news on social media by using #AntiBullyingWeek and #ImListening and tagging @_respectme_ on Twitter. You can also tag us on Facebook and Instagram. 

Look at our Social Media Toolkit for suggested copy for posts and find all our social media graphics in the Resource Hub. If you need any more information to get started, or if you want to collaborate in any way get in touch with us at email:  

Connect with us on social media

Throughout Anti-Bullying Week and across our 2022/2024 campaign timeline we will bring you stories and examples of how the campaign theme has been introduced and explored in schools and youth/sports groups across the country. If you would like to share your Anti-Bullying Week highlights with us (however big or small) get in touch with the respectme team at – we would love to hear from you and showcase your success stories.

To enquire about the team visiting your school or club, get in touch at:

Stay connected

Our work doesn’t stop at Anti-Bullying Week; there are opportunities to support our campaigns all year round, and you can begin your new anti-bullying learning journey at any time. Join us to help stop bullying in its tracks.

Stay up to date with all our campaign news and all our #AntiBullyingWeek activities by following us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

Youth Action Group

Listen Up! (Respect our Rights) has been co-designed with young people from respectme’s Youth Action Group who want every child and young person to be heard and taken seriously when bullying is reported and for children’s rights to be respected and placed at the heart of all effective responses to bullying.

Our young ambassadors talked at length about feeling unheard in the past and shared experiences of not being taken seriously when they reported bullying to a professional or trusted adult. Listen Up! (Respect our Rights) aims to open a national conversation to inspire adults to listen and take action for children to help stop bullying in its tracks.


Lives: Glasgow
I joined the Youth Action Group because I was not supported when reporting bullying in my school and I wanted to be able to make a change so that other people have a better experience. Supporting respectme’s work has given me the power to make a difference, speak in parliament and help advise my school on their anti-bullying policy.
Fun fact: During anti-bullying week 2022, I was interviewed for the national news about our work.


Lives: Orkney
I joined the Youth Action Group because I wanted to use my negative experiences to help make positive changes for other young people. The best thing about being in the group has been meeting others who are passionate about making a difference. I hope the campaign makes adults take us [young people] seriously when we tell them we are being bullied.
Fun fact: I am the eldest of nine siblings!


Lives: Near Glasgow
I joined the Youth Action Group because I wanted to help improve bullying as it can be horrible and not nice to experience. The best thing about being involved with the group and campaign has been the new opportunities it has opened up for me. I want young people to know that they will always have someone to talk to if they are experiencing bullying.
Fun fact: I really like acting and have been in TV shows and movies, I also really love English in school. I really enjoy reading books!


Lives: Glasgow
I wanted to join this group to help other young people realise that they have a voice and a say in the issues that they care strongly about. I want to raise awareness about bullying and share with other young people that they are not alone and have support networks in place for helping them deal with such a difficult situation.
Fun fact: I am a huge marvel fan!


Lives: Glasgow
I became a member of the Youth Action Group because I wanted to help other young people speak out about bullying and topics that deeply affect them. I’ve made friends in the group, and I’ve learned that bullying impacts everyone differently and that adults need to listen to young people when they tell them they are being bullied. I hope the campaign reaches other young people and makes them realise they aren’t alone in what they are dealing with – their voices matter!
Fun fact: Pasta is my favourite food.


Lives: Glasgow
I joined the Youth Action Group to be part of a team. The best thing about being a Youth Action Group member and supporting the work of respectme is getting new skills by working in a team, meeting new people and getting the message out to kids about bullying. The main thing I gained from working with respectme is more confidence to work with others.
Fun fact: I love anime and manga


Lives: Glasgow
I joined the Youth Action Group because I wanted to understand why people bully others, and what the most effective solution is for dealing with bullying. The best part of being in the group is meeting new people and being able to share our experiences of bullying – it makes us feel like we’re not alone. If I had to choose one thing that our new campaign achieves, it would be to spread the message about Anti-Bullying Week more!
Fun fact: I don’t know how to ride a bike or swim.


Lives: Arbroath
I wanted to join the Youth Action Group because I’m passionate about making change in the way we handle bullying and I think it’s important that young people are involved in the conversation. One of the main things I’ve gained from working with respectme is my confidence that I lost after my own experience with bullying.
Fun fact: I memorised the entirety of the 100 digits of pi song on a Saturday afternoon.


Lives: Glasgow
I joined the Youth Action Group to raise awareness about bullying specifically in schools as someone I know was bullied. I want the new campaign to make children and young people across Scotland feel confident in the fact that they are not alone and that there will always be someone there to listen to them.
Fun fact: The taste of too much toffee makes me feel sick.


Lives: Bo’ness
I joined because I wanted to make a difference. The best thing about being a member is meeting new people and learning how to help others. The main thing I’ve gained from working with respectme is a sense of confidence and the ability to help myself and others.
Fun fact: I know most of the ASL (American Sign Language) alphabet which I learned whilst in Canada.


Lives: Alloa
I am very passionate about helping young people, in any way that I can. If I were to speak with an adult or teacher about the campaign, I would really want to highlight the importance of it. The right for young people to feel safe and also listened to when they do report an issue is so important. Everyone should be involved in promoting anti-bullying.
Fun fact:


Lives: Springburn
I joined the Youth Action Group to help make sure that people don’t feel alone. The best part of being a member is that everyone is free to share their opinion. The main thing I have gained from working with respectme is I’ve got to hear people’s stories.
Fun fact: I’m able to hold my breath underwater for two minutes and 13 seconds. I’m also allergic to paint which is quite weird.


Lives: Motherwell
Becoming a member of the Youth Action Group provided me with the opportunity to work with others to help people. The best thing about being a member has been working with amazing people and making new friends - all working together to do something special and worthwhile. It is really special to be involved.
Fun fact: I love horse-riding and I have been to Disneyland three times.


Lives: Glasgow
I joined the Youth Action Group to raise awareness for bullying and racism because I deeply care about spreading the message that bullying and racism still happens every day and that there are people you can go to for help. The best thing about being a member is the experiences and being part of project that helps raise awareness.
Fun fact: I have met Lewis Capaldi on a walk around the park in SQA PE.


Lives: South Glasgow
I wanted to bring more awareness to the issue that affects a lot of people. The best part of being a member is working with other people my age and discussing different issues and different ideas about what we can do for anti-bullying week. I like to see people my age take action!
Fun fact: I don’t like Sushi and was born in Italy